We’ve all heard of dandruff before. You know, the gross, white, scaly flakes on your head, near the scalp. But BEARD DANDRUFF-otherwise known as “Beard Druff” or “Beard-Druff”- that’s a real thing, too! Not only is it itchy and uncomfortable, but it can be totally embarrassing when it’s all over your shirt for everyone to see.

BEARD DRUFF. Loose, Dry, Flaky Skin Cells Caused by Dry, Irritated Skin
It takes time and patience to grow a thick, full beard. The process is definitely a labor of love. So it’s no fun when you finally reach beard-envy potential only to see dry, itchy white flakes all over your beard and clothing. Thankfully, you can not only reduce beard dandruff – but you can most likely prevent it, too!
What Causes Beard Dandruff?
Beard Dandruff, also known as Beard Druff, is a buildup of dry, flaky skin cells. This common irritation is typically caused by one of the following:
Can I Use Dandruff Shampoo on My Beard?

The Simple Answer is NO
sandwich bag organizer hangingWhy? Because you shouldn’t use a shampoo on your face. Beard hair is different than the hair on your head. This is one of the most common and biggest mistakes a bearded-man can make.
Shampoos, even an anti-dandruff shampoo like Head and Shoulders, is made specifically for the hair on your head and scalp – not the skin on your face. Think about it. The skin on your face is far more sensitive than the skin on your head or body.
Using shampoos can strip skin and cause further irritation, dryness, flaking, itching and redness. You want to solve the problem, not add to it. For the best results - it is reccommended to use a daily beard-wash formulated for sensitive skin to prevent dandruff without overdrying.
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