Do Beard Growth Kits Really Work

Do Beard Growth Kits Really Work

Do beard growth kits really work? 

Simply put, there are two vastly opposing answers to this question depending on what person you're asking and what their experience with beard growth kits has been in the past.

It goes like this>>

with Beard Growth Kit

Person 1:

Of course, they work, dude! I've had awesome beard growth results using product 'X' and, I swear by this product. Beard growth kits are legit and I higly recommend product 'X' to anyone looking to accelerate beard growth. Yadda-yadda-yadda...

Sidenote: 👈 Check this dude out. This guy clearly knows the best steps to grow a beard. Totally insane beard growth!

Anyway, I digress...

Person 2:

No flippin’ way, Dude! "Person 1" is full of it!

I've used product 'Z' and never noticed any difference at all in my beard growth. I can definitely say beard growth kits do not work! It's a total scam, and I would never recommend any person to use them.

WOAH! Calm down, 'Person 2'... 'Person 1' does not seem like someone you want to argue with. Sorry, you got ripped-off dude.  

without beard growth kit

So who's right here? Do beard growth products work or not?

Well, fortunately/unfortunately, both these answers are 100% correct.

Not all beard growth kits are made equally, just like not all beers or tequilas are made equally. Some give you great results with no headaches, while others leave you in an utter state of regret or buyer's remorse.

Like with so many different products we use in life, it boils down to the quality of production and ingredients of the specific product we are using.

How Can I Determine Which Beard Growth Kits Are Legit?

Here’s what you should look for in a beard kit that is worth using:

1 - High Quality Ingredients = High Quality Products

If the product doesn’t do what it promises, you are like a turtle on its back. (F—ked!). So read the labels, dude. You want ingredients that actually do something.

For example, hundreds and thousands of beard growth oils are on the market. But the devil is in the ingredients. Look for beard oils that have natural growth-promoting ingredients such as Jojoba Oil, Peppermint oil, Japanese Essential Oil, and Himalayan Oil, for example, all of which receive high reviews for helping promote beard growth naturally.

2 - Feed Your Face!

You water your lawn and feed your dog. How about doing the same for your beard, dude. Give your face a man-spa every day by using the right shampoo and conditioner in the shower every morning.

Important Dudes: DO NOT use hair shampoo on your beard. Most of those products will actually strip the natural oils from your face that you need for a full, thick, healthy beard, as well as promote the ever-dreaded development of beard-druff. It's important to take care of the skin under your beard and do all that you can to prevent beard dandruff.

Never use dandruff shampoo for your head on your face. The skin on your face is far more sensitive than the skin on your scalp, and you could over-dry your face - making the problem worse. Consider using a beard shampoo and conditioner that was formulated specifically for beards.

Your beard wants nourishment from ingredients like Peppermint oil, Sunflower Oil, Vitamin E, Sweet Orange, & soothing Aloe Vera. Ingredients like these are known for hydrating and softening beards while helping stimulate and exfoliate the skin underneath your beard.

A good beard shampoo and conditioner also removes dirt, flakes, odor (and occasionally even stale bar snacks) without drying or stripping your beard of essential natural oils.

3 - Beard Kit Essentials: Tools

A beard comb is a necessary staple in every bearded dude’s kit. Your beard comb not only helps groom and clean your beard, but it’s also a critical tool to make sure the beard products you apply are being thoroughly worked through your beard hairs and down onto your skin for best absorption and results. I keep two beard combs on-hand as part of my daily routine - one in my shower and one after applying my beard products.

During my morning shower, I later up my beard with our 2-in-1 BeardGasmic Shampoo and conditioner, I take out my beard comb and run it over and through my beard repeatedly for about 30 seconds every morning.

This is a great way to get the maximum benefit out of your beard wash. Then after I dry off and apply my beard oil, I use a second beard comb I keep handy to run through my beard again and really spread out the beard oil, so it absorbs into my skin and really gets all my beard hairs nice and nourished for the day.

I repeat the same process next with our beard balm (I prefer our Sandalwood scented beard balm, but some days I mix it up and go with our Island Rum scent)

Another must-have in your beard kit is a great beard brush. Most good beard bushes use boars bristle. A boar bristle brush helps gently wipe away dirt and any excess oil. They can cleanse and moisturize at the same time and feel great on your face, like your giving yourself a beard massage (trust us, your worth it, dude).

I’m also a big fan of beard growth rollers. The tiny microneedles are another easy and fast way to create maximum absorption for the actual beard products you are applying to your skin. Don’t get caught up throwing away big $$ for overpriced electronic tools with crazy promises. The truth is, a few very inexpensive, simple tools can make a huge difference in your beard right away.

4 - Price and Promise: (You get what you pay for, dude)

It sounds simple, but it’s worth repeating. Buying quality products saves you money in the long run. So if you want to surf Amazon and buy the absolute cheapest beard products you can find, have at it. I suspect you will be disappointed in the results.

Good, high-quality ingredients work. And they cost more money than run-of-mill ‘fluff and fill’ products some brands pump out by the freight load. So use common sense and while there is no reason to overpay, make sure you don’t sell your beard short…or cheap. Also, be aware of fake promises and what I call, "BEARD BS”.

Can most dudes see a very noticeable improvement by consistently using the right beard products? My answer is, ‘Does a bear shit in the woods?” Or even simpler, YES. But is someone with 3-day old peach fuzz on their chin going to look like this dude from Game of Thrones by using ANY beard products for just a few days? Or even a few weeks? NFW, dude. (Use your imagination for what NFW stands for).

When you think about your beard growth journey, think in 30-day increments. Every 30 days, you should be able to look in the mirror or take a new photo and look back and see a very noticeable improvement. If you don’t, send your products back for a refund. (Or if you haven’t been using them consistently, look in the mirror, slap your face for being neglectful to your beard, and apply your damn products, dude!


Some beard growth kits are a great addition to your beard growing journey. On the other hand, some are not worth your time or money. Pay attention to what ingredients are in the products and what tools are included with the kit to help maintain your beard and support your growth efforts. Growing a badass beard is a marathon more than anything - so be patient and be committed. Good Luck, dudes.

-Drew Plotkin (Chief Dude Officer)


  • Cole on

    The best beard growth products all have peppermint oil in them. If it has that, then at least you know you’re not being sold “snake oil” and the maker actually did their research.

  • Drew Plotkin on

    @Reed – Awesome success story, dude! I had a patchy beard myself, which is one of the many reasons I created Derm Dude. To quickly touch on what you said about beard oil – Typical beard oils are not actually intended for beard growth. Most beard oils are actually beard-softening oils and have a different ingredient list than actual beard growth oils. Most beard growth oils will have a blend of ingredients that promote beard growth, such as peppermint oil, castor oil, avocado oil or Sunflower oil, while beard-softening oils will commonly contain softening agents such as grape-seed oil, Jojoba oil, or Argan, just to name a few. Hope that helps;-)

  • Reed on

    I can’t say for sure if beard oils can help your beard grow any faster or thicker but definitely makes my beard feel softer. The beard roller tho – I’m 1000% sure that works. When I first started growing out my beard, for some reason I had a spot the size of a dime on each side of my face that would not grow a single hair. After about a month of using the roller, I started to see little hairs growing it the spots – after 3 months it was mostly filled in. Best 20 bucks I ever spent!

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