How Long Does it Take for a Tattoo to Completely Heal

How Long Does it Take for a Tattoo to Completely Heal

The tattoo healing process is often underestimated. Many tattoo artists and enthusiast alike will tell you that your tattoo should be fully healed within three to four weeks. And while 3-4 weeks is typically when a tattoo will appear to be fully healed, the truth is, the process is only just begun.

Tattoo's are essentially open wounds and just like most open wounds, it takes anywhere from five to seven months to be completely healed. It's important to not be fooled by the healed appearance of a three week old tattoo and to still treat this tattoo as you would at week two. This specifically means adhearing to proper tattoo aftercare protocall well beyond the 3 week mark, regardless of healed appearance. Continue to keep the tattoo properly moisurized and protected from the sun.

In this Derm Dude podcast snippet - Long time friend and associate, Dr Heather Woolery-Lloyd and I discuss common misconceptions and distinguish tattoo hearsay from the truth regarding the actual time-frame for healing tattoos.

See the full podcast featuring Dr Heather Wollery-Lloyd here.

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