Letter from CDO

Letter from CDO Derm Dude

What's up, Dude:

Most emails I get these days are from brands trying to sell me more stuff. "Save now," "Extra % discount," etc. Sound familiar?

I started Derm Dude™ after almost 20 years working in Hollywood on countless celebrity skincare & wellness brands owned by big marketing companies. At Derm Dude, we don't blast you with photoshopped celeb images because we think you're already badass just being yourself. And we prefer to communicate with you in a genuine, no B.S. way… the same way I want people (and brands) to speak to me.

So this email from me today is not just a note to you. It's also a letter to myself. Every minute of my day can easily be swallowed up with meetings on product development, marketing and digital meetings, finance and operations, and customer service. And these things very much matter. A lot.

But not anywhere close to how much YOU matter to us. To me. Because YOU are Derm Dude.

I write this note to you and to myself because I absolutely want to make f*%king certain we never lose sight of the core reasons WHY we started Derm Dude in the first place. Was it for outstanding grooming and hygiene products for men? Hell yeah.

I was about to turn 50 years old, was recently single again for the first time in forever, and was staring straight down the barrel of a massive hole trying to find genuinely high-quality products formulated for guys like myself…Dudes who work hard, play hard and enjoy getting out in life but also don’t want a patchy beard that itches and flakes, fading tattoos over dry lizard skin, or sweaty, smelly balls that could turn ‘date night’ into ‘hate night.’

And I wanted a brand that could deliver these products with a communication style that’s not only informative but also in a way that lets us all laugh and have fun at the same time. Throw in our no-BS mentality and refusal to ever compromise on quality, and I genuinely hope we have found a formula that makes Derm Dude feel familiar, comfortable, and continually deserving of your trust.

So this email has no sales offers, promo codes, or teases about upcoming product launches. This is a note to you… and to me. It’s a note to say, ‘Hey dude, what’s up? I’m Drew. I have four amazing kids, I love riding Harleys, I am covered in tattoos (and still adding more as often as possible), and I don’t know if I would even recognize myself in the mirror if I didn’t have my beard.

At Derm Dude, we truly love getting to know more about YOU. So send us pics, vids, and whatever else says ‘HEY DUDE. THIS IS ME!”

You can email me directly at chief@dermdude.com I do get a fair amount of emails, but I promise I do read them all and appreciate the feedback always.

Rock n’ roll, Dudes –


Founder/Chief Dude Officer


  • marquise edmond on

    This stuff is amazing and my wife loves how I stay fresh. 10/10

  • Donald McCorquodale on

    What’s going on Drew I love the products that I have got but the only problem I have is the beard hair underneath my chin it want to curl up and doesn’t grow long like the rest of my hair. So what can I do to get it looking like the rest of my beard?

  • Wesley Stults on

    Hey Chief,

    I appreciate the email. I definitely love the products that I have tried so far I’m still on the fence about buying the beard products just because I have tried so many and have just been let down. The ball wash and body wash is amazing and will definitely say they work and need to order more. I have a funny story to tell about the ball wash though. The first time I ordered the coconut rush scent and had it in the shower when it came in. I had my son for the weekend and he decided to use the ball wash for body wash not knowing what the bottle said since he was only 7 at the time. I live in my travel trailer so the scent Carries throughout the camper well. He came out of the shower and came and gave me a hug and I said to him what soap did you use and he brought the bottle to me and I busted out laughing and told him that it wasn’t body wash and that it was for washing your nuts oh he about lost it lol. Thanks for what you do for us guys I’m about to place another order. My son and I love the body wash.

    Your customer
    Wesley and Daniel

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