Which celebrity makes the best brand of tequila? Do some celebrity tequilas taste like...panther piss?
The Derm Dude tribe hasn’t necessarily tasted animal urine, but one of these tequilas may have come close in our humble opinion. (And some of them were damn fine and tasty!)
Michael Jordan, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, "King" Lebron James, Nick Jonas and Kendall Jenner are just a few of the recent celebs diving lime first into the tequila biz. So we decided to have ourselves some sips and give our unbiased opinion on which Celebrity Brand Tequila is the best tasting and which one is just plain awful in this Blind Taste Test.
To keep us focused and even learn something new (imagine that!) we invited the badass Professor of Booze - Jeff Bradford plus all the way from Mexico City, our #1 Tequila Chica, superstar tattoo artist Vanda Barbie.
Who do you think won our votes for best celebrity tequila? The results may surprise you!!
Casamigos for the win! George Clooney made like a billion dollars selling that brand.
Casamigos is hands down the best celebrity tequila and possibly one of the smoothest tequilas I’ve ever had. Spendy though.
I’ve only tried one of these tequilas. Teremana – Gotta give it to the Rock. He makes a fine Tequila! Clooney and Sammy Hagar both have top-notch tequila brands too IMO.